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Abundance Check-In

Last week we shared our conversation with Virginia focused on financial abundance and the role abundance can play in our life.

While there were several moments that resonated, there were a few concepts that continually emerged. One was to use the resources around you. Virginia shared podcasts and websites to help us stay educated on abundance. Even an internet search can help you come up with best financial practices, you just need to put in a little time.

This leads beautifully into another recurring theme in the episode - spending time with your finances. This can be doing anything - building a budget, studying bills - just bond with your money! When the holiday season comes around, I start to get into ‘swipe mode’ where I keep my head turned away from the cash register much more often. Being conscious of your decisions slows you down from making poor decisions which can in turn lower your stress.

A last recurring theme was abundance and mindset. An abundance mindset is the idea that there are enough resources and successes for all to share. This is the opposite of a scarcity mindset, the idea that there isn't enough to go around and that each person must guard their accomplishments or resources from others. When you believe abundance is your destiny you show up differently because you believe that you are worthy and you believe it belongs to you.

Believe that something else is out there and take the steps towards it.

Below are some journal prompts to get you thinking about your finances!

  1. What moment in your life has shown you the significance of having financial abundance?

  2. What mistakes have you made when dealing with your finances?

  3. What do you do well in managing your finances?

  4. Plan to spend one hour a week this month working with your finances. This can be anything you choose - looking over your budget, discussing your finances with a loved one, researching retirement - embrace building a relationship with your money

Let us know if we should add any questions,

Cindi & Rachelle

PS - We are almost halfway through the year - start to prepare for a mid-year check in!


Clyde Bank Media - What is An Abundance Mindset?

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