Last week, we were lucky to interview art therapist Donna Soldano about the benefits of imagination and how we might work towards cultivating a more active imagination.
Below is an activity from Donna that we invite you to try this week! If you would like to learn more, visit to book a complimentary consultation!
Imagine... What it is you really want in your life?
You can imagine and dream big so that you have the freedom to create in your imagination the life you desire and deserve.
Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Begin to imagine what your ideal day would be like, from the moment you wake up.vInclude details of what you see, hear, feel, taste, smell, really allowing your imagination to create this day exactly how you would want it, and with all of your senses. Consider how you may want to feel throughout your day and what you would want to experience throughout your ideal day.
Once you feel complete in imagining the details of your ideal day, take time to write down the imagination of your day in a journal or on paper.vYou may even decide you want to draw or paint what was in your imagination. Make a note of what feelings you experienced. Write down how you might bring those imaginations into your life today.
Let us know how it goes!
Cindi & Rachelle & Donna!